Hi, I'm Christy

As a single mother of four boys, with absolutely zero free time, starting a business felt like the craziest idea in the world.

So why did I know with every cell of my being, and against all logic, that I needed to do this?

For two reasons...

One, as an intuitive I can see the infinite support and abundance available and at our fingertips RIGHT THIS SECOND ready to transform our lives with ease, speed, and joy, while creating our greatest dreams and desires.

Not only are infinite miracles our natural state but they are as easy to access as breathing.

I learned how to open to and access this energy when I was faced with debilitating health and life issues, disease, and trauma.

Let's Create Miracles Together!
Christy Michele Photo


I was astounded by how supported and empowered we are naturally designed to be.

I actually felt better during my healing process than I had in my whole life. I felt like I was receiving a hug from the sweetest, wise grandma who was reflecting to me the truth of my infinite power while surrounding me with more comfort, healing, and solutions than I could have imagined.

My mind was blown. I knew I had to share this because the suffering and struggles we face are unnecessary and easily remedied.

Even though the shy, ridiculously introverted part of me wanted to run screaming in the other direction, I knew if I could help even one person end their suffering and struggles it would be worth all the time and effort.


The second reason I knew I had to start this membership, and this is huge, is that we access our full power when we come TOGETHER.

We are designed to CREATE TOGETHER...

The universe explained that we are designed to be infinitely more powerful than we are currently accessing and than we realize. Because our natural design is one of connection, unity, and oneness, something very sacred happens to our energy fields when we come together. This is why even though I was using this process and creating everything I wanted, I felt like something was still missing. I was missing you all. Our connection is magical.

Peony Flower

When we come together in community…

Our light combines, creating a frequency and brightness of power that we can only reach together. We each then access our collectively raised frequency, shining it out into the world (creating magical new things), which then returns to us multiplied, and the process begins again getting continuously and exponentially brighter, more powerful, more loving.

The second magical thing that happens when we come together is that we each access the strength, wisdom, skills, and how-to's of the paths each other has paved, each so beautifully unique. Instead of having to do all the work on our own, we hit the ground running infinitely more powerful and having skills that we didn’t even develop but were shared with us!

Words cannot begin to describe the level of power and magic we access together.
Access Your Light Community
Client Words
Your challenge showed me the value of tuning into messages that guide me as to “what I need to know & what I need to do” in specific situations. 
- Miracle Challenge Participant


I'm so passionate about healing others that I became a major over giver. It took me developing a life threatening illness to cure this tendency and to learn how to give at my highest while simultaneously thriving at my highest (which btw exponentially multiples the level of love we have to give!)


I love nature. I wish my house had walls that could roll up and down like garage doors so that I could live in it nonstop.


As an energy intuitive, I know exactly how our energy fields work & how to access the nonstop thriving we are wired for. My life was pretty "comical" before I understood my energetic sensitivities!


I am a highly sensitive empath and introvert who wants to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST and I know my sensitivities are a major strength.


I am a single mother of four boys and parenting them is the hardest, most rewarding, and fun thing I have ever done.


I plan to travel the world off the beaten path, diving into the glorious nature, culture, people, and food.


I believe that people thrive when they have to freedom to be themselves and to feel safe making mistakes. That is where our genius lies. This is why I love this sweet, unconditionally loving space filled with unique souls who seek to unite and uplift. Magic happens when we come together to share and celebrate our uniqueness.


The messages I get from Spirit have never once steered me wrong and continually blow my mind and delight me.


I believe we are wired for pure thriving, infinite potential, and abundant, joyful lives but have been given an incorrect owner's manual that doesn't even match us. It's like trying to operate a new phone with a user manual from a 50 year old refrigerator… and we wonder why life doesn't seem to work. I have your updated manual. And OMG, life really works!

Client Words
My favorite thing was two-fold. Working under Christy's leadership for my own spiritual growth; and, finding a fellow entrepreneur with common goals focused on launching a new business with the highest purpose in mind! 
- Miracle Challenge Participant

Are you ready to access your magic?

It's time to transform on a whole new level in a whole new way,

in every cell of your body and every area of your life. 

Access infinite potential that redefines your reality.

Take manifesting to limitless new levels.

And make magic your new norm.


Stay up to date on all the latest happenings!